Friday, January 20, 2006

We finished our short visit to Goa yesterday(Thursday) and headed to Delhi well before dawn.
We had a blast there. We spent our last day with Rajin as he drove us wildly through the villages; traveling inland toward the jungle. (They don't really drive here, it's more of a weaving in and out, darting between lanes with the assumption that you are invincible.)
After the first 2 hours of driving we left our car and switched to a jeep that took us on a narrow, rocky, dirt path into the jungle toward Goa's famous waterfall. We took our driver, Rajin, with us as he has proven to be most helpful.
We must have looked like a bunch of bobble-head dolls bumping our way down the trail. We even drove through several streams, one of which was quite wide. It was amazing to successfully cross both times: Thank God for an experienced driver.
When we got there we were almost immediately greeted by a jungle full of monkeys. Looking up at the trees we could see that there were monkeys everywhere. All of us tourists had purchased fruit and cashews to feed to them. The kids were loving it and we got some great pictures that they will have to show you when we get home.
We took our time on the way back; taking pictures and doing a little shopping. Bryce and Kurt even got a haircut in the main town. Both cuts cost little more than $1.00. Naturally, we were outraged and will not be returning there for their next cut! jk
While they were busy at the barber shop, us girls decided to check out the shops on our own. This was fun for awhile, but after being swarmed by street sellers that were a tad pushy, we needed to retreat back into the barber shop. I am not so good at saying "no" to people who are so poor. If needed, Alissa will get my back and step in to say that we have no money or to give them a "take it or leave it" price. We usually walk away with another bargain purchased for "a good price". They always give us "a good price".
In the middle of the night, we awoke to leave for an early morning flight. This was the most peaceful drive that we have had all trip; no traffic, everyone was sleeping still. Again the Lord was good and our flight was on time.
Once in Delhi, we were greeted by several men that were hired by an Indian associate of Kurt's. They loaded all of us and our luggage into two cars and brought us straight to Anurag, the ministry to women and children. Here the little ones welcomed us with flowers; one bouquet for each Nelson. Prem Gideon, who started and still operates this ministry, took us around to all of the rooms and buildings.
This area was like something that you would expect to see in the middle east. It was a series of alley ways where all parts of life were taking place. Men getting a shave, sitting in a barbers chairs from the 50's, a man selling baked sweet potatoes that he carried on a tray on his head, a caravan of donkeys, making their way through the people, carrying baskets of goods. ( I'm surprised that my neck didn't just plain snap off!)
On our tour of Anurag we met and observed the children in their classrooms, and saw the young women involved in their training in sewing, knitting, and embroidery. We also saw the Love Basket office, the Compassion Int. Office, the health office, etc.
It was wonderful to witness all of this good work being done in the name of Christ. The face much opposition from the leaders of this village of farmers, yet the continue to grow. Women and their families are slowly and cautiously coming to know the Lord. Although Prems life has been threatened, she proclaims God as her savior and protector.
We were honored to have the opportunity to see this incredible project. It has been another day of blessing for us. I hope that hearing of them touches your hearts as well. I am off to bed now to rest up for a day spent touring Delhi.
Love to all of our friends and family. You make us happy to know that you are with us on this journey. God has clearly shown us why He sent us here, and at this time. This visit to India has God's finger prints all over it. We do serve an awesome God. AMEN!


Blogger Jeff Schell said...

Howdy Nelsons!

What a fantastic adventure experience! It's cool that you are able to share it with us AND create a scrabook at the same time.

We're praying for your safety and look forward to seeing you after you return and wake up from what will probably be a three-day nap.


The Schell's

6:42 AM  

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